AAR 4540 Metamorphosis

Migration and Urban Growth in XIAN 

Cities grow all over the world. Among the world’s fastest growing cities are those in China (and some in Norway). The growth is largely due to migration of all sorts. The goal of this course is to enter a new, unfamiliar and quickly changing environment, to read it and to respond to its need for immediate, temporary housing, work and transportation. The anthropology course AAR4851 will be of basic importance in this period.

The Assignment
In China the rural population is migrating into the large urban agglomerations. Chinese cities grow at a breakneck pace. This course will focus on Xi’an in the Shanxi province in central China. The migrants’ immediate need when they arrive in the city is housing, work and transportation between housing and work. The city of Xi’an is currently building a new metro system to cater for the enormous need for transportation, and the city grows along these transportation lines.The site of our project will be at one of the new transportation hubs. The assignment will be to look at how the immediate needs for new, temporary and affordable housing can be integrated between the existing rural and suburban population on the one hand, and the massive real estate driven urban growth on the other. The first weeks in Xian will be dedicated almost entirely to the anthropology course. The field work will, however, be adapted to the needs of the studio course; i.e. to get to understand how the nodes in the subways become hubs in the urban fabric, and how new and old population blend and interact around these hubs.

Phase 1 (W34-36): Knowledge basis
This phase consists of the common knowledge base as described above. This part includes an intensive exercise in the use of multi-media tools.
It also comprises the first half of the Anthropology course – giving a general introduction to architecture and anthropology and an important introduction to China and Xi’an.

Phase 2 (W37-41): Fieldwork in China
The class will travel to China in three groups; one landing in Hong Kong, one in Beijing and one in Shanghai. During the first week the three groups will travel over land, recording their experiences by photo and video. The travelogues will be presented to the class and discussed during the first antropology session in Xi’an.

During the next two weeks there will be an intensive anthropology course with a mixed Chinese and NTNU class, including fieldwork on the project site. The last two weeks will be spent collecting necessary info on the site, programming the projects and developing the sketch project for temporary housing.

Phase 3 (W42-49): Design work in studio
Lectures with relevant project input on real estate, project economy and webdesign/ presentation. The final project will be submitted as a web page.

Final due: Friday Dec 7th
Number of students: Max 15
Teachers: Knut Ramstad and Ole Møystad

Coordinating / Tutoring: Sunniva Vold Huus and Linda Folgerø

(Very strongly) Recommended eligible subject: AAR 4804 Architecture and Anthropology (Lisbeth Sauarlia)

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